Broadcasting and Meetings
Comparisons of Technology



"TKO combines expert engineering with the ultimate technology to produce solutions that assure unrivaled success."
 - Craig Ortiz, Program Manager

There are three primary modes of technology in video communications that enable a Multi-Site meeting. They are: satellite broadcasting, video conferencing and web conferencing. Listed below are their general characteristics and their advantages/disadvantages. Each technology is suitable for a Multi-Site meeting when the objective of the meeting is properly matched with the capabilities of the technology.

Satellite Broadcasting - Multi-Site Interactive (with full, two-way interactivity)



  • Broadcast quality - high resolution
  • Projected image is not degraded
  • Setup time can be short (just days)


  • Highest cost
  • Largest crew
  • Technically complex

Satellite Broadcasting - One to Many Sites
(with audio Q&A)



  • Broadcast quality - high resolution
  • Reduces cost by broadcasting only one location throughout
  • Setup time can be short (just days or even hours)
  • High cost
  • Large crew
  • Only the broadcast location (Host Site) is seen at all sites
  • Regional sites have only an audio line to Host Site

Video Conferencing
  • Fully interactive with all sites
  • Costs are generally lower than satellite broadcasting
  • Network lines such as ISDN may not be available at venue
  • Long lead time to install ISDN or other suitable networks
  • Medium to low resolution - may not be suitable for projection

Web Conferencing
  • Available to anyone with a computer and Internet access
  • Participants may attend a meeting from their normal work stations without travel
  • Lowest cost delivery
  • Low resolution - low quality
  • Participants may not have high quality Internet Access
  • Meeting quality is based on the quality of attendee's Internet Access and computer capabilities
  • Creates no sense of impact or community among participants

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TKO Video Communications
TKO provides high-quality and reliable video communications solutions for education, government, business and worldwide organizations. Services include video and audio conferencing, broadcasting via satellite and event management.

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